Young People who are participating on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are often in need of guidance. Perhaps they know what they want to do with their life but don’t know how to get there, or maybe they have no idea what they want out of life and need help identifying their core values to unlock their potential in becoming an independent adult.
Young People need both knowledge and experience to help them navigate the emerging adult world of work and responsibility with all the struggles and challenges. Young People need encouragement and help from people who have walked the path before them, people who have successfully overcome the challenges and ‘made it’. This is where the Mentors at Intensive Support come in. Intensive Support provides individual mentoring to Young People in need of an intervention to move them on and/or get them back on track. The Mentors support the Young Person to overcome any issues that might be holding the Young Person back from living a good life.
The Mentor Program concentrates on improving performance in the short term whilst focussing on supporting the growth and development of the Person, the aim is always the same – to improve the life skills of the Young Person toward independence.
If you would like the Intensive Support team to support you?
Just call the office on 0422914420 and we will help you get started.